Friday, May 4, 2012

Of Some Things I Never Grow Weary

It's really a misleading title... I make it sound as if I have endless energy for certain activities, and this is certainly not the case. But there are some things of which I never grow tired. Ice cream, for one.

But right now, what I'm really thinking is that I never get tired of hearing I'm tiny. I don't believe it - not really. "Tiny," to me, is reserved for people who are petite and cute and - well - tiny. To describe a woman who is five feet, nine inches tall and who weighs (usually) 146 pounds as tiny is ridiculous. But I like hearing it all the same.

I went to get my oil changed in my car today. The gentleman behind the counter, after hearing I have teenagers, said, "Well, that's how you stay so tiny. Chasin' after them teenagers." I'm certain that I positively glowed. Tiny, tiny me. But my teens aren't how I keep in shape. I had teens earlier, too, and I was definitely nowhere near the same shape I'm in now... and hopefully I will be in better shape yet next year.

No... the way I stay "tiny" (oh, the joy to use that word myself!) is by occasionally saying no to myself when it comes to fun foods -- and by always saying yes to myself when it comes to activity. Do I have time for a run today? Why, yes... yes I do. Do I need to scrub my floors? Why, yes. I certainly do. Do I need that ice cream? Mmmm... debatable. In all honesty, sometimes I do, but usually I don't.

I strongly believe that treats are good for the soul. But if I indulge myself in treats on a daily (or hourly) basis -- they're no longer treats. They're a lifestyle. And a lifestyle of indulgence leads to despair -- no matter what we're talking about.

Seriously. Think about different ways people choose to indulge themselves. If a person's particular poison of choice is shopping, and one indulges themselves without control, they're BROKE. If a person loves sex, they end up with broken relationships and sickness. If they love food, they're fat and unhealthy. If they love exercise to the exclusion of all else, they're --- ummm... twisted and weird, and I guess they need to eat a LOT. But really, indulgence is not a lifestyle that is going to lead to happiness, contentment, and success.

Those are my thoughts for today.

That -- and go ahead and comment. Tell me I'm tiny. I love it.