Friday, March 30, 2012

Weight Loss and Being a Foodie

I'm a foodie. I can't help it. I love to cook and bake -- and eat. I frequently find myself on the internet, looking up recipes and just reading the ingredients and imagining them together. So... how does one take weight off - and keep it off - while being a foodie?

With baby steps.

For someone like me (who seems to have double the taste buds of everybody else), it's important NOT to try and make some huge, drastic shift from cooking with full fats to cooking with no fats. Anybody who tells you that you can eat a fat free ANYTHING and it will taste the same (or just as good) as a full fat anything simply cannot be trusted. :)

But realistically, a foodie such as myself can take one day at a time, make one change at a time, and learn to appreciate some different flavors and textures.

I also began introducing myself and my family to some new vegetables. This was actually an incredibly fun experience. Of course, there are some things that we have tried that immediately made their way to the trash. I still cannot get my head around the idea of eating okra for pleasure. And there is a huge difference between collard greens and turnip greens. But it's been fun to turn a vegetable hunt into a family adventure into the unknown.

I am still not a complete health nut. I currently have jelly beans in the house and have frequently been falling off the wagon and directly into that jar. But even with that, if I compare the way I eat today to the way I ate two years ago, the differences are astounding. But it all happened with baby steps. Just beginning to walk in a new direction, one step at a time.

As with anything else, diving in full-force is not something I would have found to be sustainable. But one step at a time, I have become a more healthy and more fit person. Do I have a long way to go? Sure! But tomorrow's another day. We'll deal with that when it comes up.

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